Group Coaching Workshops

- 30 to 90 day immersion programs with up to ten people per group.
- Typically involves two or three live events where the group meets with David Strauss in person.
- One personal coaching call every two weeks, on an as needed basis.
- Weekly group calls held between the live events.
- Live events will be held at David’s Lower Highland Loft.
- Meals and beverages are included at live events.
- Each 30 day workshop segment is only $997.00
NOTE: You will have to pre-interview with David Strauss to see if you qualify to participate in a workshop.
Own Your Life (30 days) – This is a results focused workshop which teaches you how to own your life and your self image. It focuses on releasing emotional entanglements, overcoming limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering beliefs. This is for people who want to take massive action to make changes in their life, and they are willing to stretch and grow.
Relationship Magic (30 days) – Ready to improve all of your relationships? Friendships, Family, Intimate? Learn about the six human needs and how they shape your behavior, and how to apply them to build healthy relationship, or rebuild stagnant relationships.
Real Results (90 days) – This is a 90 day program broken down into 3 monthly segments. An intensive workshop that guides you in identifying your most important goals, and holds you accountable to take measurable action steps toward achieving your goals. This workshop includes releasing limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering beliefs. Each 30 day segment builds upon the prior 30 days and sets you up to achieve or exceed your 90 day goals. (Note: Live events during the first 30 days. Remaining 60 days are group calls)
Mens Empowerment (30 days) – A fun workshop where we leverage off of each others strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to become a stronger, more self-empowered man, community member and leader. This workshop is results based, and will include the entire class choosing one leadership project that they can do together to positively impact the community.
Mens Leadership Calls. (30 days) – Similar to Mens Empowerment, this is a nationwide weekly group leadership conference call and workshop that will challenge men to step up in their family and community. The intention of this program is for men to grow as leaders, and demonstrate that growth by taking on specific community projects.